- All Products
- Single-Gas Detectors
- Multi-Gas Detectors
- Maintenance Free
- BW Clip
- BW Solo
- BW Clip4
- GasAlertMicroClip XL
- GasAlertMicroClip X3
- GasAlertQuattro
- GasAlertMax XT II
- GasAlertMicro 5 Series
- BW Ultra
- IntelliDox
- Calibration Equipment
- Replacement Sensors
- SR-X2V Replacement Oxygen (O2) Sensor
- SR-X10 Replacement Oxygen (O2) Sensor
- SR-X10-C1 Replacement Oxygen (O2) Sensor (for use with GAXT-X-DL-2 and GAXT-X-DL-B-2 models)
- SR-W-MP75C Replacement MICROpeL Combustible (LEL) Sensor
- SR-H-MC Replacement MICROceL Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Sensor
- SR-M-MC Replacement MICROceL Carbon Monoxide (CO) Sensor
- D4-RHM04 Replacement TwinTox Sensor - Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
- PS-RH04S Replacement Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Sensor
- SR-M04-SC Replacement Carbon Monoxide (CO) Sensor
- PS-RM04H Replacement Carbon Monoxide (CO) Sensor, H2 Resistant
- PS-RS04 Replacement Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Sensor
- PS-RC10 Replacement Chlorine (Cl2) Sensor
- PS-RZ10 Replacement Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) Sensor
- SR-N04 Replacement Nitric Oxide (NO) Sensor
- PS-RD04 Replacement Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Sensor
- SR-A04 Replacement Ammonia (NH3) Sensor
- SR-A204 Replacement Ammonia (NH3) Sensor, Extended Range
- SR-P04 Replacement Phosphine (PH3) Sensor
- SR-G04 Replacement Ozone (O3) Sensor
- SR-E04 Replacement Ethylene Oxide (ETO) Sensor
- SR-V04 Replacement Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) Sensor
- SR-DUMM3 Dummy Sensor for PID Location
- SR-W-MC-DUM Dummy Sensor for Combustible Sensor Location
- SR-DUMM1 Dummy Sensor for the Oxygen Sensor Location
- SR-TOX-MC-DUM Dummy Sensor for Toxic Sensor Locations
- SR-W04-75C Replacement Combustible (LEL) Sensor
- SR-H04-SC Replacement Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Sensor
- SR-DUMM2 Dummy Sensor for the Combustible (LEL) Location
- SR-B04 Replacement Carbon Dioxide (CO2) IR Sensor
- SR-Q07 Replacement Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) PID Sensor, 10.6 eV
- D4-RHM04 Replacement TwinTox Sensor - Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
- SR-W04 Replacement Combustible Sensor with Heavy Duty Silicone Filter
- SR-W04-UF Replacement Combustible Sensor without Heavy Duty Silicone Filter
- SR-ER04 Replacement Ethylene Oxide (ETO) Sensor (4-Series)
- SR-H1-1S Replacement Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Sensor (one-series)
- SR-M1-1S Replacement Carbon Monoxide (CO) Sensor (one-series)
- SR-NR04 Replacement Nitric Oxide (NO) Sensor (4-Series)
- SR-RR04 Replacement Hydrogen (H2) Sensor (4-Series)
- SR-W04-75 Replacement Combustible (LEL) Sensor, for GasAlertQuattro (Unfiltered)
- SR-X1-1S Replacement Oxygen (O2) Sensor (one-series)
- SR-ZR04 Replacement Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) Sensor (4-Series)
- SR-X-MC Replacement MICROceL Oxygen (O2) Sensor
- Confined Space Kits
- MC-CK-DL GasAlertMicroClip Deluxe Confined Space Kit
- MC-CK-CC Carrying Case for GasAlertMicroClip - with Foam and Lid Insert
- QT-XWHM-R-Y-NA-CS GasAlertQuattro Confined Space Kit
- QT-CK-DL GasAlertQuattro Deluxe Confined Space Kit
- QT-CK-CC Carrying Case for GasAlertQuattro with Foam Insert
- XT-XWHM-Y-NA-CS GasAlertMax XT II Confined Space Kit
- XT-CK-DL GasAlertMax XT II Deluxe Confined Space Kit
- XT-CK-CC Carrying Case for GasAlertMax XT - with foam insert from XT-CK-DL kit
- M5-CK-DL GasAlertMicro 5 Series Deluxe Confined Space Kit
- M5-CK-CC Carrying Case for GasAlertMicro 5 Series - with Foam and Lid Insert from M5-CK-DL Kit
- HU-CK-DL BW™ Ultra Deluxe Confined Space Kit
- HU-CK-CC Carrying Case for Honeywell BW™ Ultra with Foam and Lid Insert
- QT-XUHM-R-Y-NA-CS GasAlertQuattro Premium Confined Space Kit
- XT-XUHM-Y-NA-CS GasAlertMax XT II Premium Confined Space Kit
- Other BW Products
About JJS
Total Support. Total Service.JJS Technical Services provides industrial analytical equipment that enhances safety and productivity. We strive to be experts in our field so you don't have to be, allowing you to concentrate on your main job instead.
We offer our customers lifetime support, service, and consultation because we seek to maintain lifelong customer relationships.
The company was founded on the principle that customers need on-going support and service and this need was largely going unmet by other companies. We attempt to understand each individual customers needs which then allows us to help you make the best decisions for your particular situation.
Tech Support
JJS Technical Services Corporate Office
1900 East Golf Rd., Suite 950
Schaumburg, IL 60173
Company Type: Illinois Corporation
Incorporation Date: Febuary 1, 2000
Tax ID#: 36-4361194